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Admissions Policy  

Purpose and scope  

1. The Institute aims, through the procedures which it uses to assess applications and offers  places, for its admissions decisions to be easily understood by candidates: fair; transparent; and  based on principles that are applied consistently across the Institute.  

2. The Institute acknowledges that admissions procedures will vary to some extent across subject  areas. For example, in addition to academic ability, admissions decisions may also be based on  practical ability.  

3. This policy applies to all programmes of study offered by the Institute as defined by the  Regulations for Taught Programmes of Study and Regulations for Research Degrees.  

4. For the purposes of this Policy, an applicant is defined as any person who has submitted an  application to study at the Institute and has not yet enrolled as a student.  

5. An offer of admission is assessed independently of any application for funding.  Roles and Responsibilities  

6. Admissions decisions are formally the responsibility of the Registrar. Registrar will normally  delegate decision making to admissions tutors or programme directors, referring matters up to  the Registrar as appropriate.  

7. It is the responsibility of the registrar to appoint Admissions Tutors and/or Programme  Directors, and to ensure they are in a position to understand and support the Institute’s  Admissions Policy; are competent to make sound and fair judgements; are appropriately trained;  and have sufficient resources and time to carry out their responsibilities effectively.  

8. The Registrar may nominate an appropriate member of staff to execute the appointment of  Admissions Tutors and/or Programme Directors.  

Tuition Fees  

9. Information about the tuition fees charged for a programme can be found on the relevant  programme page on the Institute’s website. Further information about tuition fees can be found  in the Institute’s Fees Policy 

10. As part of the Admissions process applicants will have their fee status assessed to determine  the fee they will be charged. Further information about this can be found in the Institute fee  assessment policy.  

Applicants with disabilities  

11. Consideration of applications from applicants who declare a disability is based on the same  criteria and principles as for other applicants. A decision may need to take into account any 

overriding health and safety concerns, barriers relating to professional requirements, or the  Institute’s ability or inability to make any necessary adjustments. Such cases will be addressed  on an individual basis. Applicants are encouraged to disclose any disability to the Institute, to  enable any necessary adjustments to be planned in support of their education. Failure to do so  may impact on the ability to make any necessary reasonable adjustments. 

Applicants under 18 years of age  

12. Admission of students under 18 years of age must be carried out in line with the Institute’s  Policy on Admission of Students under the Age of 18 Years. 

Applicants with criminal convictions  

13. Applications from applicants with criminal convictions will be considered in line with the  Institute’s Policy for Supporting Students who have disclosed a Criminal Conviction.  

Entry Requirements  

14. The Institute's website and printed publications will make available clear information on  admissions criteria for each programme. The Institute will publish on its website advice to  applicants on what the Institute is looking for in personal statements or research proposals; and  to referees on the elements that are helpful in a reference.  

15. The Institute requires all Departments to publish entry requirements for each programme, in  the Institute prospectus and online programme information.  

16. Additionally, Schools Departments must publish information on:  

a. The specific criteria against which they assess applicants; 

b. An indication of how different criteria will be weighted;  

c. The process for considering forms and assessing candidates;  

d. Arrangements for cross-School or cross-Departmental admissions.  

17. Registrar or their delegated officers may set minimum entry requirements and may insist on  specific criteria; for instance a minimum grade achieved at examination in a particular subject  and/or at a particular level may be specified as a criterion. For research students admission is  dependent on availability of an appropriate supervisor.  

18. Initial consideration for admission will be based on information supplied to the Institute in  each applicant’s application form. Admissions tutors may require additional information to be  supplied before making any decision.  

20. Admissions staff use academic judgement in assessing the academic potential of individual  applicants; offers of admission should be based on a judgement as to the applicant’s likelihood  to succeed in completing the programme applied for within the prescribed length of study. In 

exercising their judgement, admissions staff must operate in a way that is consistent with this  Policy.  

21. Decisions on admission to programmes of the Institute, other than top-up degrees, will be  taken before any decision on the accreditation of prior learning (for taught students) or  admission with exemption of part of the programme of study (for research students) is made by  an Admissions Tutor. Institute policy on the accreditation of prior learning for taught students is  defined in the Accreditation of Prior Learning Policy.  

22. Programme staff may interview applicants, subject to clearly explaining why and how the  interview will be used in assessing the applicant. All applicants must be treated on an equal and  fair basis and any interview and decision-making must be consistent with the 2010 Equality Act.  

23. In general, the Institute does not require applicants to provide supplementary written work  for Taught programmes but may do so for Research programmes. Applicants may be asked for  an example of their work, or set a written task, subject to a clear explanation of why and how  this will be used in assessing the applicant.  

24. In general, the Institute does not require applicants to undertake further tests, other than, in  certain circumstances. Applicants may be set an additional test, subject to a clear explanation of  why and how this will be used in assessing the applicant, and to treating all applicants on an equal  and fair basis, as for interviews.  

25. Registrar or their delegated officer must be confident that the applicant has the proficiency  in the English language necessary to succeed in the chosen course or programme. Applicants may  be required to take an IELTS or similar test; an appropriate standard requirement for  performance will be set in this test. 

26. The information which may be considered when assessing an application, in addition to  educational qualifications, may include, but is not limited, to:  

a. References, academic or otherwise  

b. Personal Statement  

c. Professional Qualifications  

d. Relevant Work Experience  

e. Research proposal  

f. For Research Students: Supervisory and other support required, including material/financial  support required for the proposed research  

27. The Institute will not admit applicants on the strength of information believed to be either  fraudulent or plagiarised, and reserves the right to reject or cancel an application or offer under  these circumstances. 

28. Applicants who have applied previously will still be required to submit a new application.  Direct applicants who applied in the previous 5 years should declare this in the Personal  Statement of their new application. Applicants are not normally admitted to the same  programme of study for which they have previously completed the award.  

Conditional offer of study 

29. Conditional offers made must normally be in line with published entry requirements and  should not normally vary substantially from these. Applicants who fulfil the conditions required  by any conditional offer will have their place confirmed as soon as possible once the Institute has  been notified of the fulfilment of any condition.  

Referral to alternative programme 

30. If an offer of study is not made, admissions tutors will refer applicants to a suitable alternative  programme in the Institute where possible. In some instances, where previously agreed between  programmes, Registrar, or their delegated officer(s) may make offers for programmes other than  the one applied for.  

Applicants to whom no offer is made 

31. The Institute reserves the right to reject applicants to its programmes for any lawful reason  where it considers it is in its interests to do so. The Institute publishes its terms and conditions of  study online:  

Terms and Conditions of Study.  

32. The Institute will correspond about a decision only with the candidate. There is no right of  appeal, and the decision will not be reviewed (although feedback may be provided at the discretion of the Registrar or their delegated officer(s)). However, concerns that the Institute’s  Admissions Policy has been incorrectly implemented may be investigated under the Student  Complaints Policy, at the discretion of the Institute.